Support the Summer School and Festival
Your gift could support the Summer School in a number of ways.
Donations not only support the heart of the Summer School but also enable us to grow and make our programme the best it can be.
In fact, as much as 30% of the Summer School programme is funded by donations and grants each year.
Your gift could support the Summer School in a number of ways:
Exceptional performance – Sponsoring a specific new concert or performance that will enrich the musical programme.
Next generation – Funding new activities for children and families such as the Children’s Choir and family courses.
Talent and opportunity – Supporting bursaries for young, talented musicians to come to the Summer School.
Innovation – Supporting commissions, musical collaborations and new work.
You can make a donation to the Summer School by direct bank transfer to:
Bank: NatWest
Account Name: Summer School Foundation
Sort Code: 60-21-48
Account Number: 84726598
Your contribution is vital to keeping the magic of the Summer School alive for generations to come – THANK YOU to all of our supporters for your help.
A gift in your will is one of the greatest gifts you can give. Legacies have played a key role in the Summer School’s past and are critical to its future.
Your support will help the Summer School to survive and flourish. A gift in your will would help us to continue to deliver this much loved programme of courses and concerts which make the Summer School so distinctive, and could provide bursaries for talented young musicians and performers. Every gift makes a difference, however large or small.
Our commitment to you
We would like you to know that we are committed to using your gift to the Summer School efficiently and, as directed by you, with care and with the utmost respect and sensitivity.
Your legacy will be held by The Summer School Foundation in an Endowment Fund wholly dedicated to support the future of the Summer School and can only be used for this purpose.
The Summer School Foundation is a charity set up in 1976 to support, develop and enhance Summer School. Each year funds raised by the Summer School Foundation are invested in Summer School programmes and used to provide bursaries to widen participation. The Foundation works to ensure the long term future and success of the Summer School.
How you can make your gift
We appreciate how many things there are to consider when writing your will. If you decide to leave a gift in your will, there are three main ways you can do this.
RESIDUARY – A gift of all or a percentage of your estate after all other payments and bequests have been made.
PECUNIARY – A donation of a fixed sum of money or shares. You can also gift a valuable saleable item, like a piece of jewellery or furniture.
SPECIFIC – A gift of an item such as an artwork or historic document. If you are considering leaving a specific item, please contact us to ensure that we can provide a suitable home.
Did you know?
Gifts to charities are exempt from inheritance tax, which means that leaving a gift to the Summer School may help to reduce your tax liability. We advise you to speak to your solicitor to find out more about how charitable giving may reduce inheritance tax on your estate.
Wording for your will
We strongly recommend that you consult a solicitor when making or updating your will, to ensure that it is legally valid and that your wishes are carried out exactly as you want them to be.
You will need to ensure that your will contains the following information for the Summer School to receive your gift:
Charity: The Summer School Foundation, Buttermead, Manaton, Newton Abbot, Devon, TQ13 9XG Registered Charity number: 272163. Purpose: Specifically for the delivery of the Music Summer School & Festival.
Changes to your existing will
If you already have a will and wish to add a gift for the benefit of the Summer School, you can do this by making a codicil to your will.
You can find a qualified solicitor in your local area by using the Law Society website which you can find here.
Keep in touch
We would like to thank you and show you how your gift can make a difference. If you are considering leaving a gift to the Summer School in your will, please let us know. All information will be kept confidential and is not binding.